Book your framing appointment at our Ashburnham location!
The People You Can trust With All Your Art Treasures. - Since 2004
Proudly serving Brookline - Northborough - Worcester and the surrounding communities - NOW in Ashburnham @ Creative Connections Gift Shop & Gallery

Custom picture frame mouldings at Gastonart & Frame.

Driftwood ship planks still held together with original pegs. Framing solutions for anything.
Finest Quality Mouldings
Our custom frames are made from the finest wood and aluminum picture frame mouldings available. We carefully curate a selection of styles sure to satisfy any design taste. Our mouldings are made all over the world from North America to Italy. We carefully cut and assemle them to exact specifications here in our shop. Every frame is crafted to our high standards and finished to your satisfaction.
With over 1,500 mouldings on display and thousands more at our disposal we are sure to find just the right look at the right budget. Our mouldings feature designs from traditional to transitional to modern. We add in our decades of design and frame making experience and we guarantee the perfect frame for your art everytime.